The Hatfield Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization made up of local volunteers who provide support for innovation, creativity, and excellence in the Hatfield schools. Our mission is to provide financial support for a variety of programs and activities that improve and enhance the educational experiences for the students of the Hatfield Public Schools.
Our Members
Heather Sikorski, President Virginia Poirier, Treasurer Liz Vollinger, Secretary
Beth Giannini Carey O'Brien Robin Vollinger Jeff McCollough Nancy Potvin Karen Prew
Become A Member
Anyone can become a member!
Our members are current and former parents, teachers, Smith Academy graduates, and members of the community. You do not have to be a parent of a Hatfield student or live in Hatfield to join HEF.
Members meet once a month during the school year on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p. m. for about an hour at the Smith Academy.
If you'd like to learn more about becoming a member send us an email or drop in on an upcoming meeting!